

培训或入职培训项目的教练和领导者应该 审阅小组协议.

With the exception of those students who are approved early arrivals in a university-sponsored training or orientation program (体育运动, 平滑的过渡, 取向, 等.), no student shall be permitted to move into the 学生宿舍 before August 12, 2024年(2024年秋季学期).

This includes students leasing off-campus housing whose leases end prior to August 12, 2024. The University cannot accommodate early arrivals prior to August 12, 2024, to ensure that 学生宿舍 can be repaired and cleaned for move-in.


应用程序现在可用. 申请将开始审核 2024年7月1日.



所有提前到达申请必须由 2024年7月31日. 截止日期后, only students having extenuating circumstances will be considered for early arrival and will be subject to late 费用 as outlined below. 通过提交申请, 您承认所有政策, 费用, 这一页列出了提前到达的期望.

Students who move in early will be charged $15 per night through their designated move-in day (incoming students – August 17, 2024; returning students – August 19, 2024). This fee increases to $20 per night for individuals who submit applications late. The early arrival fee will appear as an early/break housing fee on your Ebill.


Students who are eligible for early arrival must have no record of serious conduct violations (alcohol or substance abuse, 留校察看或留校察看, 破坏公物, 保安或违反安全规定, 等.)在过去的两个学期. Such violations will result in the immediate denial of your application, 不管申请的原因是什么. Students applying for early arrival must meet one of the following qualifications:

  1. Must be a participant in a University-sponsored training or orientation program. (教练或领队将提交花名册-见下文).
  2. Must have permanent residency more than 60 miles from 威尼斯人平台 and have a work study job at the University. 工作证明文件将被要求. Acceptable documented proof is an email or letter from your employer on letterhead including a contact name, 电话号码, 以及学生被要求工作的日期. 工作验证可以发送到 residencelife@clubdugagnant.com.
  3. 情有可原的情况下.

请注意: Students with off-campus jobs should not arrange to start work prior to August 12, 2024.


The University does its best to ensure that all 学生宿舍 are move-in ready. 然而, students moving in early should be aware that Facilities and Housekeeping may need to complete additional work after students have moved in (carpet cleaning, 绘画, 等.). 住宅 & 通勤生活 and Facilities will work in tandem to provide residents with the most up-to-date information pertaining to their assigned space.


Unless otherwise noted, students arriving early can pick up their keys in the Office of 住宅 & 通勤生活,周一至周五,上午9点至下午4点. Please make every effort to schedule travel to pick up your key in this time frame. All approved early arrivals will receive notice to their 资本 email confirming key pick-up time and location.


  1. The exterior doors of the residence halls will be locked at all times. Students will only be able to access their residence hall room through the front door of the building.
  2. Students are responsible for checking each door to insure that it is locked tightly. 学生不得撑开门, 把自己的学生证或房间钥匙交威尼斯人平台别人, 或允许任何未经授权的人威尼斯人官网. Further students acknowledge that they should report any security or other problem(s) to Public Safety immediately (614-236-6666).
  3. 学生们被鼓励要小心谨慎. 更重要的是, to report any suspicious individual to Public Safety (614-236-6666) or the Bexley Police (614-239-8881). Public Safety officers will patrol inside buildings on a regular schedule during this time. A list of students authorized for early arrival is provided to Public Safety. Any unauthorized student will be asked to leave the building and be subject to disciplinary referral.
  4. Students will identify themself if requested by any University official and comply in accordance with the Student Handbook. No one is permitted in the residence halls except those students whose application for early arrival has been approved. No visitation by anyone (other than immediate family) is permitted prior to the opening of the residence halls. If you allow an unauthorized person access to the 学生宿舍, 你的提前到达特权将被立即取消.
  5. Housekeeping staff will be cleaning the residence halls in preparation for opening, 因此,可能会有暂时的不便. Residents are advised not to interfere with their cleaning process.
  6. Facilities and other university officials may have to enter my room for maintenance or other necessary up-keep of the residence halls.
  7. 所有大学政策在任何时候都是有效的.

违反上述政策和程序, 其他适用的大学政策, 和地方, 状态, and federal laws are subject to immediate revocation of the privilege of being in the residence halls before classes start and other sanctions as appropriate.


所有问题、关注和名单都可以发送到: residencelife@clubdugagnant.com.

  1. It is the responsibility of the coach or group leader to submit a roster of students needing to arrive early. 所有的花名册都可以发送到 residencelife@clubdugagnant.com. When sending the roster, please verify the dates that students will need to stay on campus. These dates should be limited to days on which students will participate in organized practices, 锻炼, 或活动
  2. Students arriving as part of an approved group do NOT need to complete the Early Arrival 应用程序.
  3. Students needing to move in early must be approved to do so by the Office of 住宅 and 通勤生活.
  4. 学生必须在学校表现良好. Participation in athletics or a group activity will not overrule the conduct standard. 任何例外情况必须由住宿事务处长批准 & 通勤生活.
  5. 学生将收到住宿办公室的验证 & 通勤生活通过电子邮件发送到威尼斯人平台的电子邮件帐户. Notice will be sent to both students approved for early arrival and those not approved for early arrival.